The Funerary Procession of Elisabetta Sirani

Elisabetta Sirani, Portia wounding her Thigh, Houston, Miles Foundation
Elisabetta Sirani, Portia wounding her Thigh, Houston, Miles Foundation

Summary: Elisabetta Sirani was a 16th century female painter from Bologna. She exceeded the expectations for her sex by painting scenes atypical for a female artist. Unfortunately, not much is known about her; what is known is that after her tragic death at age 27 Bologna held a lavish funeral in her honor. The procession was attended by many of her contemporaries who are portrayed in this film to express the little information available on the life of Elisabetta Sirani.

Authors: Jessica Snow, Sean Brice, Margaret Rancourt, Michaele Maddox

Select Bibliography:

Bohn, Babette. “The Antique Heroines of Elisabetta Sirani,” Renaissance Studies Vol.16 Issue 1 (March 2002):

“Elisabetta Sirani.” Encyclopedia of World Biography. Thomas Gale. 2004. Accessed 29 Mar. 2009 []

“Elisabetta Sirani; Italian, 1638-1665.” National Museum of Women in the Arts. Accessed 20 Mar. 2009. []

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