The History of Renaissance Art, Student Style*

*for privacy purposes, of course this is totally anonymous…

The history of Renaissance art starts with Giotto.
Giotto’s figures all look different, unlike in Cimabue and Duccio, whose angels look like Oompa Loompas.
[See for yourself if this is a good comparison…]


GIOTTO’s Madonna is all iced out, cuz that gets respect for  Christianity.
(Madonna wears Jewels courtesy of

  In 1420, MASACCIO painted his Explosion of Adam and Eve.He is also famous for his Trinity, which shows God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Grey Pigeon.

Masaccio’s Explosion
Many do not notice the holy grey pigeon in this fresco 

Botticelli’s famous “Birth of Idolatry” (Minnesota, very private collection)
Botticelli’s famous “Birth of Idolatry” (Minnesota, very private collection)

BOTTICELLI’S style is different from Giotto’s and all the other artists we have seen in many facets, because these types of private commissions have all been designed with the same type of Christian idolatry in mind. Botticelli’s main innovation is his direct copying of classical antiquities.

  LEONARDO takes us into the High Renaissance with his painting of an often-repeated subject matter: the Annotation of Mary.


Brunelleschi’s Santo Spirito

The purpose of looking at Santo Spirito is to show the
progress of architecture under Brunelleschi. The shape and length
of windows, the large columns, and the pointed arches of the church
all suggest that Brunelleschi was influenced by the Gothic
[uh… sic!]. Santo Spirito sucks the viewer in through
the architecture!


The Pisa Duomo complex was built by bad architects who didn’t consider foundation.



This competition panel shows Abraham who is told by God to sacrifice his only son Isaac but is stopped in the knick of time by an angel who brings good tidings and a relieving “just kidding” from the passive-aggressive God of the Old Testament.

Ghiberti, Competition panel sacrifice of isaac From a Slide ID test… This panel [Creation of Adam scene, the Gates of Paradise

City planning

 The walls of Lucca were useful [for defense] because planes were not invented yet.

Lucca – plan of walls

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