

Fellow scholars in Florence. How often have you gone to the library and seen a poster for a conference that took place LAST WEEK that you would have liked to attend? How often is your inbox filled with last minute invitations from institutes offering seminars that, had you known in advance, you might have attended? I’m sure this post addresses a rather limited number of people in Florence, but since I’ve had trouble keeping track of all the academic or scholarly events in town, I figure someone else out there might find this useful.

I have compiled a table of Academic Conferences in Florence for Fall 2009 through the end of December. Below is a preview of the information. You can download the whole table of academic_conferences_fall09 in pdf form (this table also has clickable links to source websites for further info). Hope this helps you organize your scholarly life!


date start time title location
29-Oct-09 International conference “1952: Leonardo e la cultura dell’Europa nel dopoguerra” INSR (Firenze Palazzo Strozzi) e Vinci Biblioteca Leonardiana
2-Nov-09 17:00 Progress and Imperatives: An International Town Hall on the Status of Women (La Pietra Policy Dialogues) Palazzo Vecchio, Salone de’ Cinquecento
3-Nov-09 18:00 Reclaiming Catherine of Siena: Literacy, Literature, and the Signs of Others NYU villa la pietra
3-Nov-09 15:30:00 Disegni dei toscani a Roma, 1979 – 2009: trent’anni dopo Fondazione Longhi
10-Nov-09 18:00 Federica Anichini: Voices of the Body, Liminal Rhetoric in Guido Cavalcanti’s Rime (lecture in Italian) NYU villa la pietra
11-Nov-09 18:20:00 Silvia Catitti: Michelangelo’s Laurentian Library: The Structure and Patron Behind the Form Syracuse University in Florence
16-Nov-09 ELENA BONORA, 1564. La congiura per ammazzare il papa INSR (Firenze Palazzo Strozzi)
18-Nov-09 Cosimo Bartoli – international conference Mantova e Firenze KHI
18-Nov-09 18:00 James Bradburne: The pleasures of seduction Florence British Institute
24-Nov-09 18:00 Alessandra Mottola Molfino: I musei del “genius loci”: un modello italiano (lecture in Italian) NYU villa la pietra
1-Dec-09 18:00 Maria Luisa Ardizzone: Dante, La verbalità plurale. Un frammento di poetica (lecture in Italian) NYU villa la pietra
2-Dec-09 18:00 Mary Beckinsale: Four examples of ‘feminist’ art Florence British Institute
2-Dec-09 David Abulafia: Writing the History of the Mediterranean Firenze KHI – in german
16-Dec-09 18:00 Mark Roberts: Horace Mann at the Casa Manetti in via Santo Spirito Florence British Institute

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