A number of exciting exhibitions of Renaissance art are programmed for 2016 in Italy, particularly in the North. Get to know artists like the Vivarini and Andrea Schiavone, see Piero della Francesca through different eyes, celebrate the birth of printing in Venice and more.
I Vivarini. Lo splendore della pittura tra gotico e rinascimento.
Palazzo Sarcinelli, February 20 to June 5 2016
I’ve had the pleasure of seeing a very well curated exhibit here in the past, so was thrilled to receive notice of the first ever monographic exhibition of an artist family I am very attracted to – the Vivarini may be some of the quirkiest painters of the Veneto. (www.mostravivarini.it)
Piero della Francesca. Indagine su un mito
Musei San Domenico, February 13 to June 26
Before learning about this exhibition, I never really thought about the influence that Piero della Francesca had on much later artists. That’s what’s addressed here – curators have found impressive parallels between the Renaissance master’s works and some produced in the early 20th century in Italy, as well as in those of Degas and Seurat. The exhibit hopes to reunite as many Piero works as possible in one place, which doesn’t happen often. (www.mostrefondazioneforli.it)
Splendori del Rinascimento a Venezia. Andrea Schiavone tra Parmigianino, Tintoretto e Tiziano
Musee Correr, Until April 10 2016
The first monographic exhibition dedicated to Andrea Meldola known as Schiavone (1510 c. – 1563), whose style differed from the mainstream styles of his Venetian contemporaries Tintoretto, Parmigianino, Titian and the Carracci. 80 works in one place are the perfect opportunity to get to know this artist. (Official site)
El Greco in Italia. Metamorfosi di un genio
Casa dei Carraresi, Until April 10 2016
A fascinating exhibit that looks at the development of the greek-born artist El Greco through his travels, including a stop in Italy, where masters like Titian, Tintoretto and Correggio influenced him. Although famous now, El Greco only became well known in the 19th century, when his “modern style” was recognized by people like Picasso, Manet and Pollock. (www.elgrecotreviso.it)
ALDO MANUZIO. Il Rinacimento a Venezia
Gallerie dell’Accademia, March 19 to June 19 2016
If you’re a Renaissance geek you’ll want to see this exhibition in Venice as much as I do. It’s the story of the man who invented the modern book and made Venice the international capital of printing. Set alongside numerous exciting early printed books are drawings and engravings by artists who were the printer’s contemporary and humanist equals – Titian, Giorgione and Giulio Campagnola.
Orlando Furioso. 500 years
Palazzo dei Diamanti, September 24 2016 to January 8 2017
Celebrating the 500th anniversary of Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto, the poem inspires a temporary exhibition of masterpieces of Renaissance art, including Giovanni Bellini, Mantegna, Giorgione, Raffaello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Titian, in painting, tapestries, books and more. (Official site)
Artemisia Gentileschi
Palazzo Braschi, November 30 2016 – to May 8 2017
The most famous female artist of the Renaissance, and perhaps of all time, gets her due in this monographic show in Rome. Information on what will be included is still to be released.
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Alexandra Korey
Alexandra Korey aka @arttrav on social media, is a Florence-based writer and digital consultant. Her blog, ArtTrav has been online since 2004.
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