Don’t miss Culture Clash on June 9th!

I’m sorry for not writing much these days – there’s a lot to do at work, a million events to attend, and some that I am organizing. As I scribble into my calendar I see that June 2011 has a lot of good stuff to do in Florence so here’s a list of some of my top picks – events that I certainly won’t be missing!

June 5: Cricket Festival in the Cascine Park: this is how Florence has celebrated Ascension Day since the 19th century, with a kind of carnival in which there are crickets in cages (now fake ones due to animal rights’ activists’ intervention). All day in Cascine park, see for info.

June 8: Personal Branding come aumentare le proprie opportunità formative e professionali col web 2.0 (in italiano) with ToscanaIN at Le Murate, 7pm, 10 euro aperitivo. This looks interesting as it will be an interactive workshop on how to make yourself look good online. See for info.

June 9: Culture Clash with The Florentine (and yours truly) at Le Murate, 7pm. We’re putting a young Italian journalist, Edoardo Lusena of the Corriere Fiorentino, up against Deirdre Pirro, an Australian born expat lawyer of another generation, for a moderated discussion about the aspects that unite and divide the expat and Florentine populations. Without getting too pesante, we will address issues of multiculturalism, integration, civic pride, work life customs and more. Free aperitivo to follow – come meet me and pick up a copy of the paper too. Full info here.

June 11: For the love of Contemporary: from 2pm to 2 am the next day Palazzo Vecchio is opening its doors and mind to contemporary art. A lecture series (in italian) in the salone del Cinquecento and various late night openings at museums and galleries, with special activities all night. See for calendar forthcoming.

June 13: Google and Architecture: Firenze GTUG (google user group) presents a special guest from Google’s offices in the states (who will speak in English). See, RSVP required.

June 20-21: Frontiers of Interaction at Otel. This is an important “geek” conference that I’ve been gearing up for all year. Last year we attended it in Rome and it was a real rush to hear about truly cutting edge research and technology. What comes up at this conference usually comes out in mainstream news a few years later. The Florentine is a media partner; subscribers to their newsletter get a discount to this important conference, email for how to get your discount code. For conference info:

June 23: KnitLounge2 with The Florentine (and me) and BettaKnit at Le Murate: A reprise of the April knitting event that was a huge success. This time we’re making just necklaces, 15 available + 15 free bring your own spots. Email me at to reserve your spot.

June 28: Martedi ad arte free tuesday night opening of state museums in all of Italy, including, for Florence, Ufffizi, Accademia, Medici Chapels, Bargello, etc.

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