Here’s an exhibit I’d like to see in Rome! Il Cibo Immaginario. 1950- 1970 Pubblicità e immagini dell’Italia a tavola (Imagined food, 1950-1970 – advertising and images of Italy at table) is on at Palazzo delle Esposizioni until Jan 6, 2014. A show that, through 300 images, sums up communication about food in the boom years of Italy. Taking a look at the ads available online, the show is a chance to observe the visual methods used by advertisers, think about how women were represented and if this has changed much, and ask ourselves through what emotive bonds products were marketed to Italians in this period.

The exhibition is set up through 12 large themes. We start with Italy’s changing domestic landscape and the associated shapes, objects and colours associated with the baby boomers. Italy of free time, that of connoisseurs, Italy that dreams of winning big, or of saving money… Italy that seduces, and Italy that has a big family. And at the end, 28 photographs of this dream represented at the ideal Italian table.

Visitor Information
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Il Cibo Immaginario
Dec 3, 2013 – Jan 6, 2014
Official website